Contact Information

This poster map and website was created by the Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research through a generous grant from The Coypu Foundation of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2001. We express our gratitude to The Coypu Foundation, to all those who contributed content, data, and suggestions, and to all organizations and investigators whose research we have cited. Special thanks goes to Marilyn Barrett-O’Leary of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program at Louisiana State University.

Project Management and GIS/Cartography: Richard Campanella
Literature Review and Database Development: Alysia R. Kravitz, Shelley Meaux
Web Design and Development: CBR Computer Operations
Essays: Elizabeth Davey, Marilyn Barrett-O’Leary, and Richard Campanella
Reviews, Comments, and Suggestions: Elizabeth Davey, Alysia R. Kravitz, Shelley Meaux, Christine Tanner Fourier, Marilyn Barrett-O’Leary, Michael Zimmerman, Thomas Sherry, Hank Bart, Duncan Irschick, and Andrea M. Von Burg
Program Management: Douglas Meffert, and John McLachlan

For questions regarding this map or invasive species in Louisiana, contact: Shelley Meaux: or Richard Campanella: